Between You and Me

after a long silence

Silence is golden. Silence is a necessary element in musical composition. Silence is many things, represented by many cliches, metaphors, proverbs, and quips.

I have been silent. Tonight, I threw caution to the wind and I logged on to my blog software. I am probably writing on an outdated version. It matters not. I am going to write a string of words, and see how they fly. Or if.

Our world is now nearly one year into the great Covid -19 pandemic shutdown. A half a million people from my country have perished from this deadly virus. My father died in August (from cancer, not Covid). Many others have lost fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters, spouses and lovers. It has not been a bright time for the inhabitants of the earth.

On the bright side, the perverse dynasty of President Donald Trump has mercifully ended. Rush Limbaugh has gone to his reward, sainted by some, despised by many more. Jimmy Carter is still with us, thank God. Sadly, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is not. The randomness with which some make their exit from this terrestrial ball continues to mystify me. Meanwhile, the bare-chested buffalo guy from the Capitol Insurrection lives on. At the behest of his mother, he is provided with an organically grown prison diet, funded by us – American taxpayers.

Now we find ourselves back in Lent. Ash Wednesday was 10 days ago. My lenten observance is to limit my apologizing to actual wrongs I have done. I will again strive for portion control. It’s contractural.

The fact that we now have a puppy should count for Diamond Certified status in the realm of self-sacrifice and penance. What was I thinking? A cute little dog! Yes! That, along with love, sweet love is exactly what the world needs now. I shall write more about Kirby the Dog in the days to come.

Beginning today, I will try to be better about making blog entries.

Baby steps.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music