
Smarter Than I

I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person. I am educated, and I possess pretty good powers of observation, along with the ability to learn and grow. I am married to a man with a highly developed degree of common sense, some of which has rubbed off on me over the years I have known him. One would think that all these net positives would give me a good chance of navigating this life without too many messy embarrassments.

But one would be wrong.

About two weeks ago I bought an iPad Pro as a Christmas gift to myself. Since then I have been turning it on each day and poking around on the little keyboard that is built in to the case. It is clearly NOT the same as a desktop computer. There is mystery. There are strange commands I have yet to learn to issue. The Home Screen has a huge picture of Kirby’s face. She stares languidly at me while I hunt and peck away. She dates me to keep trying – or maybe to give up and hand this new toy to the first stranger I see on the street. I am not ready to do that yet, Kirby.

There are a few specific things I want to be able to do with this thing. Some of the easy ones have already figured out. I can read and reply to email. (Yay!) Eventually, I hope to use it to share PowerPoint presentations when I travel. I’d like to use it to upload and read from PDF music scores when I am in darkened performance spaces. I want to be able to write in my blog while I am traveling, and maybe create a word document. ( The last one still evades me)

We’ll see where this all leads. At the very least, I hope to be writing more often.

Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Music